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A Timeline of When Earth Elements Were Discovered

Here is an infographic that presents a detailed timeline of the discovery of all the elements on the Periodic Table, including when and where they were identified and the individuals responsible for these groundbreaking findings.

The Future of Rare Earth Elements

From smartphones and computers to green energy and modern weaponry, the technology that modern life depends on would be impossible without rare Earth elements (REE). Unfortunately, global demand for REEs is increasing and production is gradually becoming more and more difficult. What does the future hold? What exactly are the main problems for suppliers and consumers?

The Importance of Silver in Technology

Here is an infographic learn that looks at the role the super precious metal silver plays in technology, health care and medicine. Discover how our lives are better today, and will continue to be, because of the precious metal silver.

Which Countries Produce the Most Precious Metals?

Beyond jewelry and ornamentation, precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium are essential for many other industries. These are used in aerospace, automobiles, electronics, and many more areas including dentistry. Here is an infographic that explores the countries that produce the most gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.

Recycling iPhones the Practical Way

The iPhone may be one of the most popular smart phones on the market, but that does not exempt it from its environmental responsibilities.  Here is an infographic that illustrates how discarded iPhones can inflict grave consequences on the environment and provides suggestions on how to embrace the ‘Green Apple’ approach.

What Plumbers Recycle the Most

What is the most common thing that we get from plumbers? In this short video, All Recycling explains that .plumbers mostly recycle brass and pipe.

Difference Between # 1 and # 2 Pipe When Recycling

When recycling metal piping, we are often asked what is the difference between number 1 and number 2 piping. In this short video, All Recycling in Newburgh, New York explains the difference between the two and why number 1 earns a higher recycling price than number 2.

Recycling Old Lead Water Pipes

In the city of Newburgh, New York, there are still a lot of old lead water pipes, even though they have not been in use for over 50 years and are outlawed. These can be recycled and in this short video, All Recycling explains how lead water pipes can be recycled and what they can be repurposed for.

Recycle Your Automotive Rotors and Drums

Did you know that when recycling scrap metal, one of the highest payouts is for automotive rotors and drums? In this short video, learn why rotors and drums are worth more than other metals when recycling.

Hours of Operation

8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – Noon

All Recycling Newburgh, New York

Contact Info

279 S. Williams St.
Newburgh, New York 12550

(845) 562-7530